Poem - Midnight Silence - That Never Got Selected Anywhere

by 07:48 0 comments

Midnight Silence

The clock strikes its ultimate hour.
All the hustle and bustle
All the din and dust
Subsiding like another heavy shower.

The rustle of wind slowly fading
With earth's aimless motion invisibly ceasing.

Then that mere drop of dew
With glowing worms in contrasting hue
And that seducing vibration harmonizes
With your shuttle soul's alertness.

The sublime emptiness calmly descending
From that prescribed eternity
And your soul still animated
With 'certain certainty'.

You feel the heaviness of eyeline
And a cold chill through your spine
'Cause at last you discovered
that ecstatic enjoyment.
Your heart and soul
urging you to seize the moment.

And now awakening of your old lost soul
From the base of your oppressive hole
Leaving all bondages beneath
Wanting to breathe and breathe.

And so with every breath of this fragrant air
Spread love and bliss everywhere.
Release your positive vibes in warm layers
As you have so much time to feel and stare.

No more heavy heartbeats to give you pain
Or touchy agitated mind to make you insane.
Neither any weight nor burden to care
As all your worries reduce to bare.

Such is the peace and power of our mother Nature.

Ultimately that secret realisation
Reveals itself unto you to think.
That which surrounds and nourishes us
Is often the one that is taken for granted
And valued only when they are no more
Be it our Parents or our beloved Nature.

Love the one that loves you unreasonably
And just take your time to live
'Cause this Unparalleled Nature

Has so much to give.

Monojit Dutta

Just Another Writer

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