Poem - Versions Of Love - A Unique Perspective

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Versions Of Love

We were too young to realize the uncharted territory
That we breached when we used to be together.
That unknown crush was softly crushing our minds
And a baby feeling kindled in our heart of hearts.

So many bridges were burnt across the horizon,
Yet on the other day, we were busy rebuilding them.
And those torturing moments when we were apart
Made our heart to doubt about a blazing infatuation.
But the love-defining moments of togetherness
Were powerful enough to let us walk arm in arm.

The eternal decision to be together forever and after,
To rapture the limit of time and space that existed.
Some unknown faces expressed their wicked thoughts
Of lust that made us to unite so early in long-lasting life.

And here we are counting days and nights of our life
Of our unconditional love that never seems to cease.
The lamp and feast of our life nearing its end slowly
Yet here we are trying to find the reason why we love
Why we care, why we are here so ignorant of love.

When you fall in love with someone at her first sight,
That is not love my friend, that is a mere crush.
When you love someone so much that it makes
you feel that you cannot live without her,
That is not love my friend, that is infatuation.
When you love someone simply because
she looks awesome throughout,
That is not love, that is lust.
Love is when you care for someone till the last day
of your life without knowing its reason.
‘cause Love is unconditional and unending.
Love is the secret of a happy life.
Be gentle with its delicacy.

Monojit Dutta

Just Another Writer

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