Poem - The Darker Half Of The Sky

by 08:57 0 comments

The Darker Half Of The Sky

It is always darkest before the dawn.
But what if that dawn brings forth a dark day?
What if the sun is darkened by the darker half of the sky?
What good is the other dominating half
When it has no power
To dominate over the darkness of the society!
Ironic indeed.

Men are born to rule over their so-called better half.
Is it by choice or by force named Society!
Society that highlights the ironically funny observations -
You can tell by the face of the father
Whether the newborn is a male or a female.
You can tell by the dress of a girl,
The character she possesses. Ironic indeed.

If it is a boy, he is a blessing.
If it happens to be a girl, she is simply a curse.
Yet a Goddess is worshipped
To overcome such a curse. Funny indeed.

Everyone will support 'save girl child' movement
But no one prefers to have one.
The short-films that speak of 'gender equality'
Pays less to a girl actor. Hypocritical indeed.

The same Society where -
A girl is blamed for the rape, when the rapist is a man.
Education is not mandatory for a girl,
Yet a topper is most likely to be a girl.

When a man makes it big in life, it is called achievement,
When a girl does the same, it becomes exception.

It is absolutely ok if a boy is seen
Gelling with multiple girls.
It is absolutely perfect to call a girl - Slut,
 When the reverse happens.

Men get to choose their life partners,
Women are the ones who are deprived of the same,
Yet the parents have to pay the price for their daughter!

Men are considered to be emotionally strong
While women are deemed as weak.
Is it a crime to be an emotionally expressive person?
Isn't that what makes us humane?

This is just a peak of an iceberg of the stereotype
Modern society that speaks for itself.
That behind every successful person, there is a woman,
Maybe it is time to substitute behind with beside.

The half of the sky belongs to men,
The other half makes our existence possible.
A Daughter.  A Girl.  A Woman.  A Lady.  A Mother.

It is always darkest before the dawn.
But what if that dawn brings forth a bright day!

Which half becomes the brighter?

Monojit Dutta

Just Another Writer

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